Anyone spend more on their system than their car?

I just signed the papers for a used Pontiac Vibe, will cost me $12,600 + tax and (almost dead)trade-in. This is a few $K less than I spent on my main system, and one of the reasons I didn't spend more is to be able to afford a new preamp sometime this spring. I'm not quite sure what else I would have bought. I do lust after the Hemi Magnums, but was determined to buy something socially responsible - I dunno, maybe if I hadn't blown so much on audio, I'd have gotten a Prius. Is anyone else not driving the car of their dreams to afford audio? Or skimped on other things that most people wouldn't to afford their system?
Slightly less on the system, though at retail it would nearly double the price I paid for my car.
I bought both my car and system used. My car is worth about half of the $18K I paid for it three years ago and will be down to a few thousand in another three years. My system is still worth close to the $30K or so that I paid for it and maybe more if I find the right buyer.

Cars are a terrible investment, stereo equipment retains some value and is a better place to put your money.
Yes, but that isn't saying much. You'd know if you saw my car. Now if you're talking motorcycles, well then, the bike'd win.

Audio systems can be very expensive, as we all know. Mine cost more than my 4x4 pickup truck and my Lexus combined. But, I also have a Frieghtliner tractor and trailor and it costs less then that.
Doesn't bother me to think about it at all. For what I get from listening to music, the fun of playing around with the system, and the audio friends I have met, I have no regrets about the cost.
Just a thought I use when talking to my friends. How many hours a day do you listen to music, how many hours to drive? Which gives you more pleaure?

I have a lot of friends with 2000 dollar stereos that listen to music several hours a day, drive about an hour but have a 70,000 dollar car. It is a question of return on your money.

Interesting post
