Anyone spend more on their system than their car?

I just signed the papers for a used Pontiac Vibe, will cost me $12,600 + tax and (almost dead)trade-in. This is a few $K less than I spent on my main system, and one of the reasons I didn't spend more is to be able to afford a new preamp sometime this spring. I'm not quite sure what else I would have bought. I do lust after the Hemi Magnums, but was determined to buy something socially responsible - I dunno, maybe if I hadn't blown so much on audio, I'd have gotten a Prius. Is anyone else not driving the car of their dreams to afford audio? Or skimped on other things that most people wouldn't to afford their system?
Just a thought I use when talking to my friends. How many hours a day do you listen to music, how many hours to drive? Which gives you more pleaure?

I have a lot of friends with 2000 dollar stereos that listen to music several hours a day, drive about an hour but have a 70,000 dollar car. It is a question of return on your money.

Interesting post

just barely, but then again i drive a 2001 vette.

i tell my wife, i couldn't care less about the car (more or less true), but the stereo, now that's my prize.

In the past 25 years, I have never owned a car that was worth as much as my system. My Current system cost more than both of my cars. Hey - my brother has a Jaguar and a BMW. I have a Saab and a Ford and a great stereo. Just a matter of priorities.