buyer beware of late

Did anyone else respond to the "unbeleavable" listings lately, like the B&W 800's for $3000 or the N802's for $ members with no feedback. I received the message from Audiogon saying the members were "questionable" and not to do business with them. Same thing happened today with a listing for a Jadis integrated amp. I guess the only safe bet is to stay away if there's no feedback..but that doesn't do much for the legitiment new members trying to get established.
Ag insider logo xs@2xdave43
I've been messing with the obviously fake ad posters the last two days. I respond by stating I'll be in their city this weekend and will stop in to take a look in person with the cash in hand. Funny...not one response from the thieves!
Mr_Hosehead, yes I did. Check the feedback, its the same group of member names giving feedback, back and forth. I wrote down all seven aliases that this guy/gal is using. Obviously they are building up false positive feedbacks in order to better perpetrate a scam.

All the deals were marked sold just minutes after opening, with feedback both ways within a few hours, and low and behold all were paid with Money Order too.

What an idiot, as you pointed out they didnt even have the intellect to mix up the syntax. In the feedback or the Adds, which were posted one right under the other.

AudiogoN did a good job though. I sent them an email pointing out the fairly obvious situation and asked for a little prudent scrutiny. As of this morning 5 of the 7 aliases are no longer members. I'll be watching the other two pretty close.
Distortion - Glad you got 'em, but it does appear that Audiogon has only locked 5 of the 7 as of this evening. And the biggest problem is that one of those remaining 2 listed (or re-listed?) B&W speakers for $6,000 and now they're marked as "Sale pending". Maybe that was just an ongoing part of the scam, or maybe some unlucky member thought they were getting a deal? Hope it all gets shut down pronto and that the perp(s) get what they've earned.

And, sure hope no one actually sent any money to "alivealive"... (I also hope I can't get in trouble for naming names, but this just seems soooooo obvious that I'd take that risk. Much better than chancing a 'Goner being out several big bills to a frickin' scammer. And if I can get in trouble for that, then I sure hope that the moderator at least checks on that transaction for $6000 B&W speakers before someone else gets hurt and if it's legit and I'm being a bad bunny then just delete this post, thank you...)
Good for you for posting that! Bravo. We have to look out for ourselves sometimes. I do feel strongly about this community.

Your exactly right about the 2 remaining of the original 7. There are new adds that have Pics and all. Looks like the scammers have a foundness for B & W products and big Krell Amps.

I havent emailed A'gon about these newest adds. That brings up a good question. Why doesnt A'gon have a "fraud alert" link? Maybe they do... and I am just to dim to locate it.