Naming your child after Audio equipment?

My husband is a frequent Audiogoner and always mentioned if we had another child, and if it was a boy, he wanted to name him after an audio manufacturer's name he's always liked. We had settled on another name (both are original sounding names) and I've even gone so far as to say we can now use the "manufacturer's" name as a middle name. He's arguing that it doesn't "flow" right (his version of the name will cause the initials not to be very flattering).

Now that the baby is almost here (I've already told him if he arrives when he's at CES, I win) it's coming down to the wire. Keep in mind, he no longer owns this manufacturer's equipment (not my doing!).

I've read many threads and thought this would make for an interesting one. What are your opinions?

Thanx in advance.
If it were Joseph, Mark, or Tyler I would go along. I am not sure about Krell, NAD, or Rega though.
Give us a hint.
More great baby first names from the audio world:

Jean Marie Reynaud

Not too crazy about Accuphase...

Happy Birthday!
Maggie,Syrah(Supratek)Delilah and Sampson( Dick Olshers fav.)...some to include.
My wife and I had the same issue, but I was pushing for the name of a city that both of us enjoyed visiting on a number of occasions. I love the sound of Vienna... but we never had a daughter, so the point is moot.

I do think Nakamichi has a nice ring to it, but so does Talon!