Hey, we don't get no respect

...to paraphrase the late and great Rodney Dangerfield!

When it comes to quality, luxury, or status items, people seem to know brand names of very expensive cars, private jets, jewelry, watches, clothing, upscale communities, etc. Yet, when it comes to audio, Bose is considered to be an expensive and luxurious audio brand [their marketing model is exceptionally successful]. Just the other day, CNBC reporters doing a piece about luxury gifts were shocked that a pair of B&W speakers had a $12,000 list price. I am not "bad-mouthing" B&W. Point being that a $12,000 list price for a pair of speakers, while unaffordable for many audiophiles, is much less expensive than many other speakers, and certainly does not carry an "only in my dreams" stratospheric price.

What's your opinion about this?
This hobby doesn’t get much respect because of the willingness to accept snake oil and defend it vehemently, notwithstanding empirical evidence to the contrary. So much laughable stuff being promoted to decent but gullible, insecure people with more time and money than sense.

$4,500 power cords that “soundstage like crazy”, absurd arguments attempting to discredit Double Blind testing, undefendable manufacturers claims; modifying multi-thousand pieces of equipment to immediately reduce its value; modifying (and of course improving) ‘statement’ pieces without any of the facilities or measuring instrument available to the manufacturer; magic stones, digital clocks (see DBT again) – yup, hard to understand why there’s a lack of respect for this hobby.

As Tarsando rightly indicates, there is not necessarily any relation between equipment levels and musical appreciation. You want musical accuracy? – buy a $150 acoustic guitar, and a few $50 lessons and be way ahead of the silliness that pervades this hobby. And by the way, acquire some respect from your associates too.
We who are into this hobby can be silly - there are no two ways about it. Please try to tell some one you long for 5K interconnects - several pairs of them - and several 3K powercords and see if you have any credibility left to suggest they should take audio seriously.

But silliness aside - and I know we never all agree on when things begin to get silly - the sad thing is that there is so much added richness that comes into one’s life with a good Hi-Fi, and so many are needlessly missing out. That Hi-Fi need not cost a lot, at least not compared to other luxury goods: $3000 on the used market will get you wonderful two channel sound; $5000 will make it fairly awesome; and $7500 or so will get you to where there is really no need to go further. Unless of course you get bitten by the bug. (Or, if you want to add analog!)

It seems it is a sad failure of the industry and its marketing that more people haven't been made aware of the joy available for these relatively modest sums. Okay, the industry is of course trying to sell new gear, but just double the figures and the price still doesn't look outrageous for luxury items. I mean countless numbers of fortunate people in North America, Europe, and many other affluent places have more of an investment than this sitting in their wine cellars.
dbt/abx is it's own absurdity. we are hobbiest not scientists. you want absurdity try "antique road show"(kilobucks for "nick nacks") or the current real estate market and let's not mention the defense industry.

merry christmas see you in the new year.
Gregadd, regarding the defense industry, I have never seen a USED nuclear weapon for sale...just gotta buy 'em new for full price!
Albertporter, who "let the parrot off the perch" so to speak! Look for the new line of FATPARROT speakers at the 2006 C.E.S. [Clowns Entertainment Show] in Las Cruses. We will be located right on the STRIP[pers], room number...to change nightly!

The four FATPARROT models will be called THE MACAW, a large floor standing speaker, the CONURE, a medium size monitor, and the PARAKEET [in the U.K., to be called the BUDGIE] a small bookshelf. For those that are into RAP, we will be introducing the SQUAWKER, a 3 way speaker which features a 15" woofer with a 1/2 pound magnet structure, a cellophane midrange, and a tweeter made from some stuff that I found under the refrigerator. Speaker distortion is rated at 75%, but yo, it's mutha f**king LOUD, and bigger than a f**king Escalade, dogg!!

So, don't go to that other inferior C.E.S. in "Lost Wages", come here to see the new FATPARROT speaker line. And unlike that other C.E.S., the "dealers" actually enjoy themselves and have a fun time, at least the few hazy moments that they can actually remember.

And be sure to leave the wife and kids home!

Merry Christmas, and to one and all, a pleasant goodnight!