CD-R discs for music

What discs are you currently using for recording and are
there any differences? Will be using on a Yamaha CDR-HD1500
with the 200 gig hard drive. Thanks in advance, Steve
not only thru the link Aggielaw provided but also at Walmart: Maxell CD-R Pro is made by Taiyo Yuden & marketed as Maxell. Make sure it says "made in Japan". 2ndly, at Office Max/Depot: Fuji CD-R. Also made by T-Y & marketed as Fuji. Once again, make sure it says "made in Japan".
Cdc, I have not bought any over the net. I bought up as many as I could find of the Taiyo Yuden, under the Maxell label before maxell found someone cheaper to make their cd-r blank disc. Sony was the first to bail ship then Maxell.
I still have around 100 of the early Sony cd-r audio disc made by Taiyo Yuden.... The cd-r audio disc that Sony and Maxell put out now are junk don't waste your money..

I do not have a Pro machine as you do. I have to use the CD-R (Audio disc) .
Sony W222ES and Pioneer PDR609.

Wow! thanks for the help. I will look for the "made in Japan". The latest Sony's I bought say "made in Austria".
>>"The latest Sony's I bought say "made in Austria"."<<

I bought some of those about 2 years ago. I had very good results with them...How have they worked for you? Is the data side still blue/green in color? Is the outer ring edge cut smooth?

Sony and Maxell was having their cd-r disc made in Taiwan, silver color data side. Not a very good disc to say the least. If you have any of the disc made in Taiwan check out the outer edge. The cut is not clean and smooth. This can affect the final reproduced sound from the CDP.
Nice call jea48, aggielaw, bombaywalla. I picked up the CDR-pros at Walmart; 10 for $8.00. Good to try 10 before getting 50 and they included cases so the price wasn't too bad.
Jea48, the Maxell CDR-pro are the same dark blue-green color as my older Sonys that were made in Austria. I got CDR-audio even though I don't need to because they worked better for me too.
All Sonys have a smooth edge as far as I can tell. The new Sonys have a light blue-green color and they work okay for me in that I have'nt had any bad dics. But I am noting sonic degradation in clones* vs original. I haven't compared light vs. dark Sony's to see it there is a difference. I think Marantz may not have adjusted the burn head right. BTY even though Sony clones* aren't perfect, the black CDR's were even less perfect.

* The U.S. government has deemed cloning legal so I now clone CD's and no longer copy them.