I will be in the market for speakers, probably in spring unless something unuasual happens, otherwise I'm pretty well set. How about you, are you planning any purchases for the new year?
I'm saving up in 2006 so I can buy something outrageously expensive and heavy in 2007--wait, I said the same thing for 2005...maybe I'm saving up too much. Happy and Healthy New Year to all.
hey Nrchy, I do need help, maybe if you have time I could call you and see if I am capable at setup, a friend from AGON is going to help me, but probably after he gets back from the big show in L.A. but if I could get somewhere with your help that would be great and thanks for the offer!
Come April, I hope to be in a position to buy either: A. a used digital source (CDP or transport/DAC) in the $3K or less range. B. a used tube amp in the $3,500 range... don't know if I should go with SET or Push/Pull. Considering Art Audio, VAC, and Berning brands, among others.
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