New CD Player or Turntable

OK. I know this is a REAL general question and there are many variables to consider but, I wanted to ask this very open-ended question just to allow for myriad of responses: Within the next month or so, I'll have $1.3k burning a whole in my pocket. Shouild I take it and buy an analog system or sell my current digital source and combine it with the $1.3k and upgrade the digital source? I have lots of CDs, 2+yrs) so headphones will be the way. BTW, I just sold the Senns and am planning on migrating to AKG K1000s. Thanx for the consideration experienced insights y'all provide. Please see my Head Case system for background.
Most people around here use an external phono stage. So you can still go vinyl.
I have one of those small box phono stages which is quite affordable. I have dedicated vinylphile friends who think its great. Its the Redgum phono stage from Australia. It wont break your budget if you buy a modest complete TT like an MMF-5 from music Hall. I got both from an Agon dealer Quest for Sound. That being said Vinyl is a very big committment but nothing rivals the sound IMHO. There are too many other factors that should enter into your decision to list here.
Tell yourself what format do I enjoy the most? Myself I enjoy vinyl more than I do digital. Than set aside more for the format that you enjoy and go for it.