The best audiophile "gag" gift for X-Mas

My dear friend and fellow audiophile bought for me the remarkable, " Intelligent Chip CD Upgrade Device", from Machina Dynamica for my X-Mas present. Well, we all gathered around the sweet spot in front of the old high-end system, put in the demo CD in the transport, put the, " Intelligent Chip" on top of the transport for the recommended 2 to 3 seconds, and absolutely NOTHING happened regarding the sonics in any way! But, boy did we all crack up and had the best laugh on X-Mas day. Now, we had 9 more upgrades left in the, "Intelligent Chip", so if first you don't succeed try, try again. We did and again NOTHING happened except more howls of laughter and good cheer. Well, we decided that the, "Intelligent Chip", was adding as much improvement to the sonics of the system as (Un)Intelligent Design Theory is adding to the scientific explanation of the development/diversity of life on our planet. Both, are just a bunch of .... you fill in the blank, but for the $16.00 the dumb chip cost it was the best gag gift I have ever recieved on X-Mas.
Just for the record, "Intelligent Design" is not science. If you insist it should be discussed in school, let it be a topic in philosophy class. It is the business of science to explore and describe the physical world, it is not the job of scientists to explore who made the physical world.
The philosophy behind ID says that existence is so perfect or so complicated that there must be a "designer". If we take this one step further we must ask, who 'designed' the even more perfect "designer"?
Fact is that the overwhelming majority of the scientific community agrees that even if evolution theory is not complete or perfect, it is the accepted basis from which advances in biology and medical science come from.
In a world where our country is falling far behind in education (we were once the leaders), now is not the time to replace science with religion.
There was a time when science was pushed aside and the world was ruled by was what we now call "the dark ages"
I also apologize for getting off topic, but I find myself amazed at how easily people in this day and age are willing to reject science and swallow anything dressed in holy garb. Intelligent Design is Creationism Light and is not science. The Theory of Evolution is accepted science as is the Theory of Gravity. Feel free to believe what ever you want about God and creation, but please dont call it science.
Oh boy, we've done it now.

High end audio (+) digital vs analog (+) religion vs evolution.

Anyone want to add politics and sex so we can have a complete melt down?
Anyone want to add politics and sex so we can have a complete melt down? you really have to ask?

In the beginning, god created music and gave man the turntable to listen to his LP collection on, and woman something to complain about....There was a bunch of stuff that happened in between....then there was Viagra...soon thereafter there came a certain son-of-a-Bush, and all hell broke loose..."THE END"

Makes perfect sense to me. See y'all burning in hell, unless you have a hall pass from the lord Jesus. Smores anyone?

I'm not a scientist but I know a few & I don't mean a friend of a friend. One of these guys is a rocket scientist (works on missile trajectories), another the head of an infectious disease facility and another works w/altering plant DNA.

Suffice to say, these are real people with real flaws and they make real mistakes. Now, everybody say, "doh!" and remember that scientific theory is just an idea someone had while sitting on the crapper. Or did it come to them in a dream? I think a lot of theories would be better classified as hypothesis, as one of the definitions for theory is, "An assumption based on limited information or knowledge; a conjecture".

Hey, in spite of it all have a great New Years
Happy New Year Driver, and look, Marco dropped his hall pass..........

I guess we know where he's going now, and I don't mean where they play music all day.