Clever Lil Clock - What's up with this?

Happy New Year to all....

Ok, I plead ignoranton this one..... Would some knowledgeable person please let me know what this device is intended to do

Is this a joke or am I missing something here?

Thanks. I am clueless on this one.
After years of research i have finally finished a product that will eliminate the need for acoustical room treatments,,,,its called "Cute Little Foil"It may look like an ordinary sheet of aluminum foil,,but dont let that fool you,,it has a microscopic coating of a special mineral solution that reacts with the sound waves to eliminate common acoustical problems that plague most listening rooms,,
Tin Cup -

The interesting thing about that review, is that the guy HATED listening to his system when the clock wasn't there. Doesn't that strike you as a bit odd? Without the clock his usual system that he was very familliar with "all of a sudden" was unlistenable, but as soon as the clock was in there, it was "the best he's ever heard it sound."

I recall a couple good reviews for the Yugo years ago and look what happened. Fact of the matter is you can find a good or bad review for just about any product or service.