Which of your component purchases was "magical"?

Or better -- "What component purchase had you digging out all of your favorite recordings, late into the night, just to relish in a new level of reproduction?"

We have all heard, read & sometimes experienced this occasional audio "revelation" from time to time. My question is which rare component/purchase did this for you?

(BTW - one of my earliest and most memorable was the first time I heard my Well Tempered TurnTable, after coming off a mid-fi table, some years ago...;>)
K&K Audio Phono Preamplifier
--->>>Marvelous sound from a hybrid and still not fully broken in. Excellent value.
1. GMA Europas. Replaced NHT's, and the WOW factor was unbelievable.
2. Cayin TA-30 integrated. Sweet, magical midrange.
My first magical experience came when I plugged all my components into a Walker Velocitor.
The Aesthetix Io Signature phono stage: it made the music soar while making instruments palpably real.

Then, again, with the arrival of the Walker Proscenium Gold Signature turntable. Pure alchemy like no other I've ever experienced.