EQ's... why doesnt everybody have one?

Just browsing around the systems on this site, i knoticed that very few have equalizers. I realize some claim they introduce unacceptable noise but i would hardly call my Furman Q-2312, at %>.01 20Hz-40kHz, unacceptable. This $200 piece of equiptment ($100 on sale at musiciansfriend.com) replaces several thousand dollars in assembling a perfectly linear system in perfectly linear room, and in my opinion, accomplishes the task better than any room design could no matter how well engineered. It brought my system (onkyo reciever, NHT SB-3 speakers and Sony CD changer) to a level i could not have dreamed. It extends the SB-3's frequency response by at least 10 Hz to a satisfying 30 Hz without any rolloff or sacrifice in clarity, but the greatest improvement was definately in the Mid-range, around the SB-3s crossover frequency of 2.6kHz. The clarity of vocals, strings, guitars, brass... anything in this range rivals that of uneq'd systems costing well into the thousands of dollars... my total cost; $800. One of the more supprising differences is a marked improvement in immaging, it think this might have to do with eliminating several resonances in the right channel caused by my back wall (the left back wall has a curtain over it). The second my dad heard the difference he got on my computer to buy one for himself, he couldnt even wait to get back to his own, he then kicked me outa the listening chair and wouldnt get up for the better part of an hour.
To answer the question of this thread: because many people prefer to spend "several thousand dollars in assembling a perfectly linear system in perfectly linear room". Doing it with a $200 equalizer "at %>.01 20Hz-40kHz" would be too easy.

"....and in my opinion, accomplishes the task better than any room design could no matter how well engineered." Oh well, looks like this EQ will be putting companies like Rives out of business. Sure glad I did not send my check to them this week to get a room analysis done.

So when I decide to go with this EQ, any suggestions on the additional IC I should purchase?
Kal...Maybe it ain't perfect, but the $300 Behringer DEQ2496 does a job which needs to be heard to be believed. Really!
Whose standard are we going to use? To equalize a room properly requires digaital EQ. That means alot of computing horsepower; also fancy software. Which brings up the question: who's going to pay for it.
Jafox...Rives will tell you that LF room resonances cannot be effectively cured by acoustic treatments, and they will sell you their highly regarded equalizer to do the job.
I think there are four reasons that combine. Many people are afraid of them because they could be used to make things worse and they are not confident in their abilities to know when things are better or worse. Many people have not heard a properly equalized system. Many people overestimate the sonic importance of the distortion introduced by good electronics. Many people underestimate the sonic importance of frequency domain distortion added by the room.