EQ's... why doesnt everybody have one?

Just browsing around the systems on this site, i knoticed that very few have equalizers. I realize some claim they introduce unacceptable noise but i would hardly call my Furman Q-2312, at %>.01 20Hz-40kHz, unacceptable. This $200 piece of equiptment ($100 on sale at musiciansfriend.com) replaces several thousand dollars in assembling a perfectly linear system in perfectly linear room, and in my opinion, accomplishes the task better than any room design could no matter how well engineered. It brought my system (onkyo reciever, NHT SB-3 speakers and Sony CD changer) to a level i could not have dreamed. It extends the SB-3's frequency response by at least 10 Hz to a satisfying 30 Hz without any rolloff or sacrifice in clarity, but the greatest improvement was definately in the Mid-range, around the SB-3s crossover frequency of 2.6kHz. The clarity of vocals, strings, guitars, brass... anything in this range rivals that of uneq'd systems costing well into the thousands of dollars... my total cost; $800. One of the more supprising differences is a marked improvement in immaging, it think this might have to do with eliminating several resonances in the right channel caused by my back wall (the left back wall has a curtain over it). The second my dad heard the difference he got on my computer to buy one for himself, he couldnt even wait to get back to his own, he then kicked me outa the listening chair and wouldnt get up for the better part of an hour.
The difference with the Parc is the fact that it uses high end components inside that are less likely to degrade the sound. A $200-300 EQ is like running your hifi gear through a clock radio. Your system is only as strong as it's weakest link. It will destroy the suttle sounds. I'm glad you enjoy and were blown away by the low priced EQ, and I realize we shouldn't judge until we try it. But frankly, there are a lot of hyped up ideas here, and I'd be nuts to buy into them all.

For those that enjoy this EQ, good for you, don't stop enjoying on my account, but it just doesn't make any sense that detail, harmonic structure, etc. isn't lost through a cheap power supply, cheap components and cheap connectors. If that was the case all hifi hear would be around $200-300.

What components are you using with this EQ?
"The new TacT gear"... Tact, like Meridian is tuning their equipment for digital amplification. While I haven't been able to hear any of these myself, when reviewers say things like " at first it lacked air, but then I started to consider air to be an artifact", thats cause for pause about going all digital. What we need is a device that is designed to do only the correction in between the transport and analog preamp that is made from the highest quality and THEN we could see if digital processing is ready for prime time. The meridian 861 might be there, but the lack of owner devotees is scary for the price. And their source cost is insane.
Unsound asked: "Does a high quality digital room correction device that only effects sound below this point exist?"
There are subwoofer EQs such as the R-DES and the Velodyne SMS-1 and, of course, you can use the Behringer and z-systems units only in this range if you choose.

Autoll said: "The meridian 861 might be there, but the lack of owner devotees is scary for the price. And their source cost is insane. "
The MRC in the latest generation of 861s only works at these lower frequencies. There are many devoted owners of this marvelous device but they don't hang out here. Cost insane? Well, that's subjective as there's nothing really comparable on the market.

The difference with the Parc is the fact that it uses high end components inside that are less likely to degrade the sound. A $200-300 EQ is like running your hifi gear through a clock radio
Well, the PARC is analog. I agree with your clock radio analogy for a $200-$300 analog EQ. Digital is a different kettle of fish, though that price point may still be too low for gen-u-ine audiophile requirements.