EQ's... why doesnt everybody have one?

Just browsing around the systems on this site, i knoticed that very few have equalizers. I realize some claim they introduce unacceptable noise but i would hardly call my Furman Q-2312, at %>.01 20Hz-40kHz, unacceptable. This $200 piece of equiptment ($100 on sale at musiciansfriend.com) replaces several thousand dollars in assembling a perfectly linear system in perfectly linear room, and in my opinion, accomplishes the task better than any room design could no matter how well engineered. It brought my system (onkyo reciever, NHT SB-3 speakers and Sony CD changer) to a level i could not have dreamed. It extends the SB-3's frequency response by at least 10 Hz to a satisfying 30 Hz without any rolloff or sacrifice in clarity, but the greatest improvement was definately in the Mid-range, around the SB-3s crossover frequency of 2.6kHz. The clarity of vocals, strings, guitars, brass... anything in this range rivals that of uneq'd systems costing well into the thousands of dollars... my total cost; $800. One of the more supprising differences is a marked improvement in immaging, it think this might have to do with eliminating several resonances in the right channel caused by my back wall (the left back wall has a curtain over it). The second my dad heard the difference he got on my computer to buy one for himself, he couldnt even wait to get back to his own, he then kicked me outa the listening chair and wouldnt get up for the better part of an hour.
Kal, would I be correct in assuming that the parametric eq only works via subjective input and not via objective evaluation? If thats the case I suspect that true correction could be laborious.
Well, it has no automatic procedure but you can take a measurement sweep with TacT (or another measurement system) and set the PEQ from that. Not the most convenient system for it.

Drubin, I appreciate the correction I was jammed for a word and i got it all wrong.

Just google my friend they are many as Onhwy61 (decidely not an audiophile in my opinion) has given you a nice leg up on some excellent lesser known analog ones you might not find on your own.

Unsound in my post I mentioned that someone new to equalization will be foiled by their own intuition. Your intuition is dragging you the wrong way at every turn, your inclination and posts are just the opposite of what is true. You're 180 degrees out of phase on the subject. :)
Cinematic, saying that Onhwy61 is "not an audiophile" is uncalled for. I don't know Onhwy61 really at all, but I do know that he IS Definatly an Audiophile. I know this because of reading some of his posts, but mainly from the fact that he is interested in Audio Equipment/Music. After all, isn't that the definition of being an Audiophile???

My point is, let's keep this an honest discussion about equalizers and keep away from personal attacks/namecalling, OK?
Cinematic_systems, the post you addressed to me, if I understand it correctly, is actually good news indeed. The promise of this technology is very exciting!