This is for the guy's trying to figure out how to talk the lil woman into letting them bring home a tube amp or big guady speaker's.

The point system of WAF.

In the world of romance only 1 rule apply's to men.

Make the lil woman happy!

Do something she like's & you get point's :)

Do something she dislike's & point's are subtracted :(

Do something she expect's & you get nothing !

Here is a guide to the point system.


Simple dutie's.

You make the bed (+1)

You make the bed but do it wrong (0)

You just throw the bed spread over rumpled sheet's (-2)

You go out to buy her tampon's (+5)

In the rain (+10)

But return with beer (-15)

You check out a suspicious noise at night (0)

You check out a noise & it's nothing (0)

You check out a noise & it is something (+5)

You beat it to death with a iron bar (+15)

But it was her cat (-100)


Social gathering's.

You stay by her side the entire party (0)

You act interested in her friend's (+10)

You ditch her & split with a friend from college (-50)

Your friend's name is tina (-200)

Tina is an exotic dancer (-500)

With breast implant's (-750)

Really really big breast implant's (-1,000)


Her birthday.

You take her out to dinner. (0)

Then a movie (+1)

It's a movie she like's (+10)

You dont fall asleep (+15)

It's a movie you hate (+25)

You take her to a movie you like (-25)

And it's called death cop 3(-50)

You lied & said it was about orphan's (-100)


Your physique.

You get a pot belly (-5)

You exersise & loose the belly (+10)

You start wearing baggy pants & don ho shirts to hide it (-20)

You say that's ok you got a belly too (-10,000)


The big question.

She ask's you,do i look fat ? (-10) that's right
you loose point's no matter what you say mister!

You hesitate in responding (-10)

You reply, where? (-15)

Any other response (-50)



She want's to talk (-5)

You agree to talk (+10)

You listen (+5)

For more than 30 minute's (+20)

Then she realize's it's because you fell asleep (-100)

You get the picture!
BigJoe, please take this the right way, I mean it with kindness and knowing that English may be a 2nd language for you: The plural of something is (usually) denoted with an "s". There is no apostrophe (') needed. Therefore, more than one "friend" is spelled "friends", NOT "friend's". Also, verbs do NOT need the apostrophe: wants, needs, asks, etc.

Okay, English class is dismissed . BTW, I got a nice chuckle out of your humor!!
Absolutely hilarious! I laughed so loud, my girlfriend kept asking what's so funny. Great post!

i was born in motown.....may favorite t-shirt(perhaps they still sell 'em....had a picture of a handgun and said 'come back to detroit, we missed you the first time'. theres no denying that folks in michigan have a great sense of humor.