Stillpoint ERS Paper Question

I would like to get some opinions from A'goners who have tried the ERS paper tweak. Please let me know which component (ie, CDP, Amplifier, preamp, etc) you treated and where you put the paper/cloth on your components. Also, how much did you use (ie, one 8x11, two 4x6's, etc), and your observations good or bad!
In advance, thanks and happy listening!
There should be some previous threads on this. Anyway, I've found just a little goes a long way. Use one sheet over top of my outboard crossovers and a small amount over my transport transformer. I didn't like it on preamp, amp and DAC transformers, veiled the highs and dried out the mids, sucked the life out of the music.
I would ditto, Sns. All of mine now sits on the shelf. If you don't like the pace and dynamics of music, ERS is for you.
Got some small squares on top of my external crossovers, and some slightly larger squares on top of my BPT line conditioner. Definitely don't want too much of this stuff as it does tamper down all of the music: loss of highs means that you're using too much.
I had great results with ERS cloth wrapped around the intraboard signal cabling inside my Sony SCD-1. Small swatches velcroed on top of the the DSPs, around a Superclock 3, and larger sheets above and below the CDP didn't make any difference.
