The choice of wall receptacles

I am in process of running two dedicated circuits for my audio system. I will be running standard romex 10/2 wire point to point and will make the "upgrade" at the receptacle. The products I have read up on are as follows:
3)PS Audio
4)Acme Audio Labs
8)Home Depot ($1.59)

My system consists of Bryston 7BSST Mono's, CAT Ultimate MKII pre, Nakamichi OMS7a cd player ( to be upgraded when I can decide what unit to purchase and how stable the cd outlook may be), B&W 801 Nautilus speakers, Audioquest Volcano speaker cables and Audioquest King Cobra interconnects. Please I am strictly looking for "SOUND" advise and not a slanted SALES advise. There is listed here 7 receptacles not including the basic Home Depot version. Any one with experienced listening got advise? Thanks.
The outlet offered by Take Five audio is not exactly the same model as mine, nor has it been deep cryo treated at NASA, like the Porter Port.

Please note this on their web site too:

Duties, taxes, brokerage, and all other fees levied by the destination country or carrier are the sole responsibility of the purchaser/receiver. We will not submit false customs documents, please do not ask.

This item comes from Canada and prompt shipping to USA is quoted at $16.75. Duty charges may or may not apply and unknown if US Customs would hold the item.

Shipping for Porter Port is via FedEx and each buyer gets a track number. I charge $6.75 for up to 3 outlets with insurance and home delivery (if needed).

Bottom line, about $4.00 difference.

I will say, if an Audiogon member lives in Canada the Take Five offer would be excellent. No customs hassles and much less delivery charge than getting from me (here in the USA).
If you're going to upgrade the circuits, where will you stop?
Not being funny, but really, what about the line out side and the BIG line all the way to the local utility? Those are the lines that pick up a vast majority of "noise" that poorly designed components can not filter out. Also,
I would imagine if you had to use some type of power conditioner, your equipment could be lacking in engineering talent expertise in the power supply design.

I think money could be better spent elsewhere for a better return on your dollar.

200.00 on a outlet is grossly overpriced. What can make it worth that kinf of money?

Pass and Seymour make very good Industrial outlets, have out preformed hubbels in my system.
Albert: The Takefive outlet is EXACTLY the SAME as yours, the slimline 8300H with non-plated contacts, and anyone can special order it at any Hubbell distributor. I perhaps should have made it clear that it is not cryoed at NASA, which was why I pointed out in my post that (again, IMO) I could not hear differences in the cryo applied on the World Power receptacle (Cryogenics International which has a very good reputation) or the ACME treated Hubbell 5362 I own relative to the cryo done by Bayson Heat treating for the Takefive outlet.

There will be no taxes or duties on 2 receptacles shipped Expresspost from Canada to the U.S. Other countries I can't comment on. Two receptacles from Takefive shipped = $58.65 Cnd. At current exchange rates that's about $51 U.S. Two from you = $78.95. A $28 or 35% difference. That's a far cry from $6. At 3 receptacles, the price differential jumps to about $45.
I will enthusiastically endorse the Porter Ports. I ordered and installed them skeptically and heard an instant and dramatic improvement in an already excellent high-end system. Highly recommended and reasonably priced.