Audio Debt?

Are people going into medium or even long term debt to purchase their audio equipment?

Just curious.
The only thing I'll ever finance is my house. All the rest if I can't afford it I can't have it. I guess it comes from being raised in Yorkshire !

I may buy it all on a credit card, but the card is paid in full each month.
Morons are NOT audiophiles!! In fact I doubt if they know what audiophiles means.
If I have the cash I can afford it. Otherwise I have to save more or whatever. At this point I use one credit card and keep a thousand limit on it. I have no other credit cards. The only reason I have the one is after trying to go without one found that I couldn't reserve rooms at the beach etc without it. Wish I didn't have it actually but in this world everybody thinks you're a flake if you don't have a credit card. Kind of funny actually because a high percentage of people with credit cards get themselves into trouble and I consider that to be not too bright.
Got Bayliner 242 and booked for 15 years/$365/mo.
Now THAT's a TOY or even my second home!
Thinking of mini HT sanctuary down there (damn, cash only this time...)
Need sub 8"max, sub-amp, 12V 6champ or a combo of a few, tweeters(haven't decided how many) and main speakers
Parts Express, Digikey will do...
Although many of us may not be using credit to buy audio or pursue other hobbies, I wonder if it ever crowds out necessary savings for retirement, etc. The US savings rate is pretty crappy.