Audio Debt?

Are people going into medium or even long term debt to purchase their audio equipment?

Just curious.
i think the issue is about debt in general, rather than the reason for debt.

responsible sensible debt, living within your menas makes sense.

if you have champagne tastes with a beer budget, there will be a problem.

audio debt is no different than going into debt to buy a car. if you can't afford to buy a particular car it is the same as over spending on audio gear.
I'm a moron. I bought a pair of Dynaudio Temptations and a new tonearm thinking the two real estate deals I had going were closing. At the last minute the guy dropped out and killed both deals. Now I am $9,000 in debt. You know what though I don't care. I got a 2.99% interest rate on my Citibank card. My speakers are amazing and I am loving them. So I may be a moron but I have one kick ass system.
OK. Let's be honest here..How many of you who have answered to this thread bought a piece of audio equipment more than $500,$1000,$2000,$3000,$5000,or $10000 and pay cash for it?
Every piece of audio gear we've ever purchased ($6K was the priciest component) we paid for with cash. No, not the home equity loan version of cash that has been tossed around the past few years. Only the greenbacks. We have no debt, and won't until we purchase a house...but only after the market crashes, thank you.
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