Ultimate headphone amp?

What are some of the better headphone amps out there for use with HD650's? I have had the Earmax before which was very, very enjoyable. Either tube or "warmish" sounding solid state will do. I have read reviews but not listened to Sugden, SinglePower and RudiStor. I have tried Headmax before but did not like the slightly cold/sterile sound, I prefer the slightly "tubish" or "euphonic" with "richer harmonics" sound. What else should I consider?
Cary 300SEI. The phone jack connects directly to the transformers!! No opamp involved here. I used this combination in the past.
You should look at the Ray Samuels Emmeline II Raptor. I did not like the Sennheiser 650 at all until I got that amp. You can tailor the sound a bit by tube rolling and Ray is very easy to deal with. The Single Power has bit more tube lushness than the Raptor. You can read reviews of these products at
Hifi+ reviewer-decidedly not an enthusiast of headphone listening, really loved the Stax offerings he reviewed in a very recent issue...System series two w/ energizer, I believe. Very expensive, and maybe a bit terrifying. Sounds like you have to get strapped in, with a complimentrary bit to keep you from biting your tongue. How real is that!
I used only headphones for about htree years and tried most of the upper end amp/phone combos either through friends, meets, or home audition.
The Singlepower amps I heard or owned were head and shoulders above all the others I tried. I ended up with a full blown SDS-XLR two box 150lb balanced tube amp from them. When used in combo with the HD650 and balanced Zu mobius cable the sound was stunning.
Check out www.head-fi.com for more amp info.