Hints on how to sell on A'gon?

I've been buying stuff on A'gon for a few months, and - inevitably - now I need to sell some stuff. Having looked at several thousand ads, I've developed a sense of what appeals to me (pictures, clear and honest descriptions, links to more info) and what doesn't (hype, opaque language, non-existent zip-codes).

But I wonder if any of you more experienced A'goners might offer tips on the best way to get stuff sold. In particular, I wonder if there are particular days of the week or months of the year that are especially good for A'gon sales. But any advice would be welcome. Thanks.
Try to avoid ''bogus'' and stupid reasons for selling like ( here is a SMALL sampling ) ....''Purchased two, selling one''...or the infamous, ....''Took it out of the box, just to make sure everything was working'' (sure...)....or...''selling for a friend who does not have internet'' (ok, let's have your friend's name and phone number then and kiss your ''cut of the deal'' goodbye)....or....''selling as I am downgrading'' (UNLIKELY FOR MANY OUT THERE)....

Get the picture? Nothing wrong with being honest. I find the short, quick ads to be most effective. What you need is to provide a taste only, to generate or initiate a discussion with a potential buyer, AND REALLY find out if you are dealing with a lowball tire-kicker or an honest and true potential buyer. Those who refuse to enter a more in-depth discussion are of the first category.

Any series ( meaning 2 or 3 )return e-mails that take more than 3 days to reach you each time, the potential buyer is just holding you on a line while he is searching for a better deal, it's better to cut your losses and move on to a more respectfull person.

I understand that there are exceptions to ALL of the above, I personally never met one.

I am ITCHING to reveal some well-known time-wasters here, but I will refrain from doing so. Let's just say I have developped a sense for detecting them...and since then, the Audiogon experience has been so much more positive and fun.

Good luck,

Pics, Pics, Pics,

and a proper, easy to read, straightforward description with no spelling errors. And you don't need to list a reason for selling. NO ALL CAPS EITHER.

I was once told by someone who sold quite a bit that Friday evening or Saturday morning was the best time to post for optimal viewing.

Good luck.
If you are going to auction, generally Fri and Mon are the best days for the auction to end. Preferably in the early evening. People are often away for weekends. I use these tips on the that other big auction site. I usually time auctions to end around 7pm west coast time. People are home for work, and that is 10pm east coast, so people are still up.
What they said. Good advice above. I would add, a simple honest description has worked best for me. If it has a few marks on it, be honest about it and try to show them in the pictures. People want to know how it works, how it looks, and that it has been well taken care of, hence all the ads that say "no smoking cats have used these speakers!" :^) Finally, price it fairly (check out the A'gon bluebook)and don't get overly anxious if it doesn't sell right away. I have had stuff up for several weeks without an offer, then received three offers in the matter of a couple of days.
Good pictures, good feedback, honest description, and what are other people asking for the same piece. Has worked well for me...