Try to avoid ''bogus'' and stupid reasons for selling like ( here is a SMALL sampling ) ....''Purchased two, selling one''...or the infamous, ....''Took it out of the box, just to make sure everything was working'' (sure...)....or...''selling for a friend who does not have internet'' (ok, let's have your friend's name and phone number then and kiss your ''cut of the deal'' goodbye)....or....''selling as I am downgrading'' (UNLIKELY FOR MANY OUT THERE)....
Get the picture? Nothing wrong with being honest. I find the short, quick ads to be most effective. What you need is to provide a taste only, to generate or initiate a discussion with a potential buyer, AND REALLY find out if you are dealing with a lowball tire-kicker or an honest and true potential buyer. Those who refuse to enter a more in-depth discussion are of the first category.
Any series ( meaning 2 or 3 )return e-mails that take more than 3 days to reach you each time, the potential buyer is just holding you on a line while he is searching for a better deal, it's better to cut your losses and move on to a more respectfull person.
I understand that there are exceptions to ALL of the above, I personally never met one.
I am ITCHING to reveal some well-known time-wasters here, but I will refrain from doing so. Let's just say I have developped a sense for detecting them...and since then, the Audiogon experience has been so much more positive and fun.
Good luck,
Get the picture? Nothing wrong with being honest. I find the short, quick ads to be most effective. What you need is to provide a taste only, to generate or initiate a discussion with a potential buyer, AND REALLY find out if you are dealing with a lowball tire-kicker or an honest and true potential buyer. Those who refuse to enter a more in-depth discussion are of the first category.
Any series ( meaning 2 or 3 )return e-mails that take more than 3 days to reach you each time, the potential buyer is just holding you on a line while he is searching for a better deal, it's better to cut your losses and move on to a more respectfull person.
I understand that there are exceptions to ALL of the above, I personally never met one.
I am ITCHING to reveal some well-known time-wasters here, but I will refrain from doing so. Let's just say I have developped a sense for detecting them...and since then, the Audiogon experience has been so much more positive and fun.
Good luck,