Hints on how to sell on A'gon?

I've been buying stuff on A'gon for a few months, and - inevitably - now I need to sell some stuff. Having looked at several thousand ads, I've developed a sense of what appeals to me (pictures, clear and honest descriptions, links to more info) and what doesn't (hype, opaque language, non-existent zip-codes).

But I wonder if any of you more experienced A'goners might offer tips on the best way to get stuff sold. In particular, I wonder if there are particular days of the week or months of the year that are especially good for A'gon sales. But any advice would be welcome. Thanks.
when you get an email,just reply and ask for their phone numbers or leave a number for them to call you with further questions.That will eliminate all the tire-kicker and low baller real quick. remember OBO mean you ll get a low ball offer and FIRM also mean that you ll get a low ball offer..usually i like to sell my gear to the one with the most feedback..
Lots of great info above. I like to use the info link to link either to a review or a manufacturers page for the specific item. One thing to be careful of, a pet peeve of mine, when you use the info link Audiogon starts you off with an "http" so if you add http again it doesn't work. I see this constantly and it drives me crazy! A lot of times I'll email the seller to clue them in. Beyond that, a fair price, a thorough description, and lots of pics and you're all set. Good luck!
A lot of good ideas here...

One thing that hasn't been mentioned is packing - the bigger and heavier the item the bigger a concern it becomes. So I don't worry about power cables - I do worry about floorstanding speakers. FWIW I see original packing materials as the minimum standard since that stuff is not always designed to go more then once.

Take a look at how often the feedback here and elsewhere involves packing and prompt shipment - what else are you going to leave feedback about that is really helpful to the next guy?

I think it also helps to be prompt in replying to inquiries - there is a certain 'heat' or 'buzz' with a purchase and I feel that its important to strike while the fire is hot. Which leads me to a final point...

Get Paypal. If you want to charge for it fine, but at least have it available. Speeds up the whole deal. And as a seller it gets the money in your hands now - so when you mark the item sold or pending you don't have to wonder if you are ever going to get that money order...
I have about 60 transactions on A-gon, and I always try to talk by phone with the seller / buyer. If you provide a phone number with your ad, many buyers will call you, and I find that a short conversation tells me more about the person that reading an E-mail.
I try to offer things at as low of a price as possible, but within reason (i.e., 25 cents on the dollar is probably not very often going to be "within reason"). People love a bargain, and my stuff (not very much yet, but that could change at some point) has always sold fast.