Be aware of the fact that there will be potential buyers who do not know the details of your product. All too often a seller will write 'no description needed, since if you're looking at this, you know what it is...' A LOT OF PEOPLE DON'T!
Write a clear concise description, with more information than less.
Keep your paragraphs short and easy to negotiate.
IME ads with a better description will sell faster than a piece that is a few bucks cheaper.
In you list a reason for selling, as already stated, skip the BS.
If at all possible include those pictures.
Sell at an appropriate price. Too many people think because it was 'mine' it's worth more than the next ad, but at the same time keep in mind that price is not the only factor for the buyer.
Try to talk to the buyer once e-mail has been exchanged. It will go a long way to allaying any fears that a buyer might have. Something that is a cast-off for you can be a treasure to the next guy, and to him, a lot of money.
I have sold things to people who were unsure about the purchase till we were able to talk on the phone.
Be as helpful as reasonably possible.
Good luck!
Write a clear concise description, with more information than less.
Keep your paragraphs short and easy to negotiate.
IME ads with a better description will sell faster than a piece that is a few bucks cheaper.
In you list a reason for selling, as already stated, skip the BS.
If at all possible include those pictures.
Sell at an appropriate price. Too many people think because it was 'mine' it's worth more than the next ad, but at the same time keep in mind that price is not the only factor for the buyer.
Try to talk to the buyer once e-mail has been exchanged. It will go a long way to allaying any fears that a buyer might have. Something that is a cast-off for you can be a treasure to the next guy, and to him, a lot of money.
I have sold things to people who were unsure about the purchase till we were able to talk on the phone.
Be as helpful as reasonably possible.
Good luck!