Listening at very low volume

Having owned many different speakers after 30 years of audiophoolishness, I own, for the first time, a pair of very efficient speakers. My Zucable Definitions are 101db! I have never been able to listen at such a low volume to music and experience the micro detail that I can with the Defs. Maybe it is because I'm getting older?--the fact that I enjoy listening at such ridiculously low levels? Of course, I can still go to earbleed levels with some good Marley, The Stones and the like, but the satisfaction of a four string bass in a jazz trio, quartet, etc. at low volumes was never in the equation with my previous speakers. The combination, as well, of SET with this efficiency is quite incredible. There are oodles of other wonderful characteristics regarding the Defintions, but after a long listening session last night, I was so taken back that I was not itching to crank my rig up because I was missing things. Anybody relate? peace, warren :)
Eldarford, after listening for a prolonged amount of time, do the headphones ever start to annoy your ears? I'm talking about where the headphones touch the ears.
Warrenh...Yes, headphones do become an annoyance. I use them only when I am in deep contemplative mood, and don't intend to move out of my soft chair any time soon. There are wireless headphones, but I don't know about their sonic quality.

I certainly don't expect anyone to give up their speakers for a headset, but it is nice to have them for a change of pace once in a while. The sonic quality is amazing. I heard an interview on the radio about some folk who have made movies with a sound track designed for headset playback. Just for fun they put in a few jokes, like the guy in the next seat spilling his popcorn. They say that the audience reaction to this event is interesting to observe.
For those of you considering a quality pair of headphones... just get it over with, and buy a pair of Sennheiser 650s and a cheap tube headphone amp like a MG Head OTL or a MF X-Can.

Guaranteed, it will be some of the best $500 something total you've spent in audio.

All you need is a output on your preamp.

The point is not to "replace" speaker experiences with the headphones, but to augment the set of possible musical reproduction experiences.