OK, what's the protocol?

So, you provide an honest quote for shipping on an item and the actual cost is less. Are you:

A) Obligated to provide an unsolicited refund regardless of the overage
B) Obligated to provide a refund only if solicited regardless of the overage
C) Obligated to provide an unsolicited refund only if over a certain amount.
D) Obligated to provide a refund only if solicited AND over a certain amount
E) Never obligated to provide a refund under any circumstances

And by obligated, I mean obligated by the rules of decorum established here or by the values of a gentlemen whichever are more conservative.
Good advice from everyone thanx. After further thought, I'm still haven't come to conclusion but here's $.02 to my own post. I have woefully underestimated shipping many times in the past and have just eaten it. I know I have over paid for shipping on things coming my way too in the past. If I over estimate for things I'm shipping doesn't it all just come out in the wash if you've been doing it long enough?? I figure where I underestimated my costs or over paid in the past, those were numbers I agreed to and so can't complain about either way. Is shipping supposed to cover JUST shipping cost or actual time and material to pack and deliver on my part???? More questions.
Post removed 
I generally quote shipping and handling as a charge on top of the price of the item. I normally include enough extra $ (usually $3-5 depending on weight and packaging complexity) to make sure I don't end up eating FEDEX charges; but nowhere close to a fair cost for my labor, gas, and packaging.

If the deal was negotiated as covering only exact shipper charges, then I would refund that, but only in that case which I would avoid because it's just not worth the effort IMO.

Please, I don't really have time to split hairs on shipping costs.