I love this hobby-

I was just sitting here tonight listening to music and was thinking how much music enriches my life. When I was young, music played an important factor in my life, although I never had what I would call a good system for playback. Once I got married and immediately began having a family, it seems music got thrown way on the back burner not to move back towards the front for many many years.

Now that the kids are grown (2 just need to be kicked from the nest) music is once again an important part of my life. No, my system is not SOTA, actually it is very vintage. But it brings me much joy and is best system I have ever owned. I am at a happy place though and don't feel the need to do more than just enjoy what I have been blessed with.

I don't have many music or audio loving friends, so I just wanted to share my joy with you all. I know from reading these pages that we all are passionate about these hard earned gifts, but ain't they grand? ;o)

We don't all have the same ears, identical or even similar gear and systems, nor enjoy the same music. But one thing I think we can all agree, life without music sucks.

Thanks for tolerating my rambling.

if music is so important, why do some of us obsess about the equipment ?

there are so many threads whose subject is a component(s) that one has to question one's true emphasis, namely the music or the equipment.

this is a good subject for a thread, namely how best to spend $x, on equipment or recordings ?
Zargon...whew...did you get your name from an old Star Trek episode...? Anyway, someone asked a question that connects us all.

Yes, it is the music.
Here's what I find fascinating. I am quite new to high end audio, and since I aquired my gear I am blown away by how much different music I listen to. Most of the music I found here on Audiogon. Patricia Barber, Melissa McClelland, Lisa Monheit, Courage of Lassie etc...My friends hate it, my wife hates it, my dog hates it, and I have trouble understanding why. I keep telling them to listen and give it a chance....... I'm all alone yet very happy!