How can power cords make a difference?

I have read many threads about how "wonderful" this or that power cord made my system sound. For the life of me, how in the world can a 3 ft power cord make an improvement? Each manufacturer supplys a power cord.I can't imagine them puting something on thier unit that would not meet thier needs. After all, the power comes from the utility company into your house, you run a dedicated line to your equipment, you put a line conditioner/surge protector between your equipment and now you have clean consistant power then magically you have great music. What can 3 feet of $200 0r more power cord make a differance? Sounds like expensive VODO! Am I missing something?
What's a-matter with you folks!? I upgraded my power cord and my amp looks way better.
Thank GOD there are others out there in the audio world that believe that voodoo belongs in another demension other than power cords!!!! Now I feel better knowing it's just not me.
Thank GOD there are others out there in the audio world that believe that voodoo belongs in another demension other than power cords!!!!
Now you see, THAT's the problem. If you're going to thank God, you have to side with the believers. You must choose science or religion in this matter. Sorry, but there are no other paths to enlightened electricity.
It's all voodoo--cords, amps, speakers, all of it. Caveat Emptor! Run, kids, run!
In fact, if you ever see this little guy appear during a listening session, you'll know you've been gouged by the power cord voodoo devil!