How can power cords make a difference?

I have read many threads about how "wonderful" this or that power cord made my system sound. For the life of me, how in the world can a 3 ft power cord make an improvement? Each manufacturer supplys a power cord.I can't imagine them puting something on thier unit that would not meet thier needs. After all, the power comes from the utility company into your house, you run a dedicated line to your equipment, you put a line conditioner/surge protector between your equipment and now you have clean consistant power then magically you have great music. What can 3 feet of $200 0r more power cord make a differance? Sounds like expensive VODO! Am I missing something?
Wrong Aroc, they are as simple as they seem. Hear or don't hear, believe or don't believe. It is that simple.
Be advised though, no one will answer the question asked in this thread and many others like it. "HOW CAN (inset tweak) MAKE A DIFFERENCE?"
Lots of testimonials on either side but no answers.
I notice a huge difference when I plug my cords into a power source. Unplugged there is a dull almost lifeless sound.
My response was aimed at the objectivists who claim up and down that there is no difference. I have clearly heard differences in a couple single-blind trials. For me that is sufficient evidence for this former non-believer.
This question is for those of you that have experienced huge improvements with changing a power cord (and not the objectivists or unbelievers who refuse to hear any difference);

Aren't you the least bit concerned that your audio setup might be overly sensitive to small changes in power?

Is there any correlation as to where power cords make the biggest difference, for example is this predominantly a tube thing?