Its as though a veil had been lifted and someone took three layers of blankets off my speakers when I put the isolation blocks under the ultra phase 3 modification of my Esoteric Reiymo combation of the X-1 and 777 CDP fused into a single box only can play one CD though don't worry any audiophool Knows that is required the other transport is hidden as a back up for digital DVD suround when h=needed but that is the Level 5 mod. The mods were only $5,000 for the phase 3 mods only By Erik Von Recklinghouse oF Intensive mods located in Southern Peru. However he's backed up about 8 months, due to the ultrafine micro damping he was mainly damps with isodamp from parts depress acting as RMI RFI RPM RP RPQ RPMx shielding sheilding on every bare spot The blackness is incedible.
There are some of these come as apackage readily available for a discount of only $4000 and with the extra Jittering satelite controlled super clocking- from Interforests Harvey in Louisiana (the Flood was nowhere near the warehouse just missed it).
Plus the floating isolation platform which Al Swearinger of Ultra Tweaks Men was imperative and convincing was totaley and an asolutley needed the Fabulous spring loaded Super Deluxe Isolation Platform that had to be used (which consisted of ping pong blls over painted and cryo treated MDF and put on Home Depot Brass plumbing fixture points,)It was was imperative or the last level of micro ultra data retreival would be lost and more focus would't be brought to the music.
Total for the CDP plus the mods is a $17,00 for the basic CDP, plus $5,00 for the mods, plus $3500 for the platform only $25,500 I know most you should by all means find this investment in quality to acieve true sonic Nirvana. It was well worth the money believe it, come fee for auditions at my home in North Datoka.
The first $5,00 takes it all. Reason for selling is to upgrade to separates.
There are some of these come as apackage readily available for a discount of only $4000 and with the extra Jittering satelite controlled super clocking- from Interforests Harvey in Louisiana (the Flood was nowhere near the warehouse just missed it).
Plus the floating isolation platform which Al Swearinger of Ultra Tweaks Men was imperative and convincing was totaley and an asolutley needed the Fabulous spring loaded Super Deluxe Isolation Platform that had to be used (which consisted of ping pong blls over painted and cryo treated MDF and put on Home Depot Brass plumbing fixture points,)It was was imperative or the last level of micro ultra data retreival would be lost and more focus would't be brought to the music.
Total for the CDP plus the mods is a $17,00 for the basic CDP, plus $5,00 for the mods, plus $3500 for the platform only $25,500 I know most you should by all means find this investment in quality to acieve true sonic Nirvana. It was well worth the money believe it, come fee for auditions at my home in North Datoka.
The first $5,00 takes it all. Reason for selling is to upgrade to separates.