Where to buy MDF board?

Thinking about building a rack (as I have not been able to find any in the $500 range) and don't know where you can buy MDF board. Any suggestions would be appreciated as well as suggestions for any other kind of material, thanks, Richard
Sorry George - I can't agree with you at all. If you can get Home Depot to cut the MDF to your desired size, the rest is just drilling holes, painting - not all too hard. I say "go for it" and be proud of what you make.
Easy to work with, great for routering, takes paint very well (except for edges). If you are planning on placing heavy amps on it I'd strongly recommend looking at other options.
Rspark, You couldn't find a website for Rainwater Audio because there is isn't one. But here's the phone number: 843-665-6113.
Thanks for all your suggestions. I left a message with Rainwater Audio to find out what their prices are (found their website-criticalmasssystems.com). But people seem please with the Sanus euro--but I don't think the tubes are fillable with sand or lead shot. Any other experience with the Sanus sand would be appreciated, Thanks, Richard
Hi Richard ,I am the only current dealer for Critical Mass and my website is under construction . I sent you a pm. Thanks Brent . Rainwater Audio