What works for me is:
* First I get their basic taste in music - Rock? Jazz? Classical? Female vocals? Monks moaning? * Then I play something in that genre, hopefully something/someone they've heard or heard of before, something that is recorded and played reasonably well
* Then I play something they brought or that they know very well, ALL THE WAY THROUGH
* Then a little discussion of what they heard, what I heard, then possibly a replay.
To me the biggest thing NOT to do is trot out your audiophile crapola non-music demo disc sounds not heard in nature at the pawnshop got the music in me thunderstorm trains 1812 cannons direct to disc anything royale
listen to the airconditioner come on in this quiet part
the music suuuuucks but oh my listen to the recording garbage
and try to impress them with it. Give them something in a genre they know and love.
The MUSIC is what matters - that'll hook them every time!