Plato, You can comment on 'break-in' all you want, in fact both of us have already done so recently on the thread on that subject. I respect your observations. I'm referring to folks who arbitrarily deny the existence of break-in charging it all off to psychoacoustics, as if those of us who take note of the differences are some sort of delusional dolts!. That vendors might over stress the need for break in for commercial purposes doesn't mean that it doesn't exist on many products.
I disagree with you re the cost of 'proper set up' but I think perhaps your inferring that I meant some sort of absolute, cost no object, methodology, was a reasonable inference.
What I meant was paying appropriate attention to the simple selection of speakers for the room, selecting the right electronics, locating the speakers and listening position in the room to its best advantage (as like speakers and listening position triangulated and well away from wall surfaces, and paying attention to nodes, nulls, and reflection points). One need not load down a room with expensive (and ugly) bass traps, commercial reflection or absorbtion panels, etc. Plants, book cases, rugs, and wall hangings do the trick and can actually add to the WAF. And tweeks can help a lot of systems but that's icing on the cake and can be done without if budget is an issue.
Tvad, I don't envy you folks in SoCal, but I just can't resist - my kid bought a 1200 ft bare bones, non upgraded, 'ranch' in OK condition in Lafayette Ca (just outside of SF) for $650K. What a crappy deal, especially when I had just sold his grand-ma's 3300 sq foot upscale home in a gated community for 675K. Location, location, location.
I disagree with you re the cost of 'proper set up' but I think perhaps your inferring that I meant some sort of absolute, cost no object, methodology, was a reasonable inference.
What I meant was paying appropriate attention to the simple selection of speakers for the room, selecting the right electronics, locating the speakers and listening position in the room to its best advantage (as like speakers and listening position triangulated and well away from wall surfaces, and paying attention to nodes, nulls, and reflection points). One need not load down a room with expensive (and ugly) bass traps, commercial reflection or absorbtion panels, etc. Plants, book cases, rugs, and wall hangings do the trick and can actually add to the WAF. And tweeks can help a lot of systems but that's icing on the cake and can be done without if budget is an issue.
Tvad, I don't envy you folks in SoCal, but I just can't resist - my kid bought a 1200 ft bare bones, non upgraded, 'ranch' in OK condition in Lafayette Ca (just outside of SF) for $650K. What a crappy deal, especially when I had just sold his grand-ma's 3300 sq foot upscale home in a gated community for 675K. Location, location, location.