Isoclean fuses: definitely worth it

I just installed Isoclean fuses in my Naim CD5x and Nait5i. I sort of felt like I was going to the fringe by installing these but keep in mind they are right in the AC path so it made sense to me after installing a dedicated line and an "audiophile grade" AC receptacle.

I tried Buss ceramic fuses beforehand and they were just slightly better than stock.

The Isocleans, however, definitely provided a noticeable improvement over stock or Buss ceramics. In a nutshell: smoother treble, a touch more overall resolution (especially in the mids and treble) and elimination of a bit of grain and veiling. Polarity does matter. I checked a few times to verify but arrow down for my equipment was more natural (less bright) than arrow up. You may prefer the other polarity, of course. Note that they didn't affect rhythm as many products do (especially a lot of isolation devices) nor did they add any brightness (at least in the polarity I prefer).

They're not cheap for what they are ($25 per fuse) but the improvement was definitely worth $50 total investment to me.
in what direction does current flow in AC currents? Or, what does polarity have do do with installing fuses

This is so simple that many overlook it (same thing for directionality of cabling). It is the direction of POWER flow which is of concern here, and *power* only flows in one direction: from source to load.
Sorry Bob Bundas but power doesn't flow, but is a concept to describe how much power is consumed in the load. P=VxA. We know that the current reverses itself according to its frequency, but the power consumed in the load is a function of the current and the voltage and is directionless.
respectfully, Bob P.
Bob Bundus: You'll be glad to know that there is hope after all. My Brother is currently in school via the local electrician's union. In class, his instructor asked the class to vote whether fuses or circuit breakers were superior. My Brother and one other guy voted for fuses with the rest of the "electricians to be" voting for breakers. The instructor went onto explain how fuses were superior to breakers in every respect, except one. That one exception? Convenience : )

After discussing that, my Brother brought up wire geometries to the instructor. In the long run, my Brother ended up explaining the benefits of various wiring configuration to not only the class, but to the instructor also. The instructor had him bring in some wiring as an example.

This worked out well for the class, as they will now be better versed in dealing with various types of installations and wiring products that can benefit A/V enthusiasts and their dedicated installations. It also worked out good for the instructor, as he wasn't familiar with the various designs and ended up learning quite a bit himself !!! Hopefully, he'll keep passing on what he learned to future generations of electricians : ) Sean
Greeni, I find no evidence that HiFi Tuning fuses won across the board, if fact the reviews have been all IsoClean and there certainly is no evidence that IsoClean marks up their products more than HiFi Tuning.
Pretty soon Isoclean fuses will be sold in delis & bodegas. A salami on rye & an Isoclean coming right up.