PS Audio Noise Harvester


I just ordered a PS Audio Noise Harvester and I would like to know people's experince with the PS Audio Noise Harvester and the improvement in sound. Does it work also with a 220V system?


I think it's too new. But I would be interested to see what you think. I would like to try some but my local dealer doesn't seem interested. Be sure and give us a review once you try them.
As a matter of fact there are two long threads at AVSForm. You may also want to visit PS Audio's website and go to their forum.

Bottom line, as with any accessory items, in some systems they will work and in others they will not. I tried them in two different systems in two different homes and in one they made a significant difference and in the other you really had to strain and maybe hear a difference. In the system they made a significant difference they have resided for about five weeks and the person loves what they do. They offer a generous return policy so it may cost you pocket change to give them a serious audition.

I could describ what we heard but why biase you since you should plug them into your own home. OBTW, I caution you not to plug all of them into a cheap power strip because they won't work properly. We found this out by trial and error of trying to A/B them all at once.