The Wizard of Oz and Pink Floyd

I was watching the Wizard of Oz this past sunday and I remembered something from my teenage years.
I can recall hearing on more than one occasion that if you played Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon at the exact time that the movie starts, that the two will in effect play in simultaneous fashion, song for song, scene for scene. Or, rather, song for scene or scene for song.
If this is true, Alan Parsons and the boys were fans of the movie to the extent that no adult male has any business with.
Is this an urban legend (as I believe) or does any one have any insight? I will come clean right now: I have tried it, but I was a teen, years ago. No success.
I also believe there is an exact moment as to when you need to simultaneously start both.
Any thoughts, Dorothy?
It's a load of crap as has been stated many times by everyone connected with the record.

Don't waste your time,read a book or something.
From my sometimes hazy college days I think I remember something to the effect that if you start DSOM right at the point where Dorothy opens the door to reveal the color of the land of Oz. Academic myth perhaps? Never tried it and am not interested. DSOM for me provides enough sonic and imagined visual imagery.
'dark side' is the soundtrack for all movies if you smoke the weed of wisdom. i prefer the wizard of oz with 'chipmunk punk'