Is it time to see a shrink?

Recently,I bought a used Krell CDP KAV 280 in SILVER. It is in excellent condition except for two little marks on the side. IT sounds wonderful to my ears BUT I am irriated most of the time looking at its silver color from certain angles and most of all it does not look good with the BLACK Krell(s) I owned. I know I hate those "grey" old Krell look and silver could be beautiful but I still have problem to love the SILVER so I decide to sell it to buy a SACD Standard in BLACK even though I don't listen to SACD often. Does any one have the same issue ?
Where does reality fit into this illusion? If you get right down to it, isn't everything an illusion?

Nice to see you here again Mrtennis, my brain was getting a little out of shape !!!
Whatever is important to you is important to you and if the silver is bothering you then u really don't have to ask anyone.
Thats why I don't buy Krell products.Apparently no one told you about the tiny transmitter in all their products that produces a microwave which confuses/irritates the chip implant you were made with.Well,its been nice,got to go,off to see my shrink,can't be late you know....though,possibly its already too late....
I think it is the name, "Krell". Just sounds irritating...

Krell makes great gear, just believe in that.
The longer I have the 400Xi the more I love it.Instead " the old man and the sea" It's "MOI", "the old man and the Krell".