She's on to me

I got home from work today and my wife said "do we have new speakers or something?" "What do you mean?", I say. "Well, the stereo has been on all day and you don't usually leave it on, unless there's a reason." "No we don't have new speakers! Do they look new? I just forgot to turn it off before I left for work". However, I said nothing about the pre-amp I just bought or the cables that I was burning in. ; )

She's getting smart.
I must be really lucky - I just bought 4 (four!) $6 Volex power cords and my wife applauded me for not buying $200 cords.

I always show her how much I COULD be spending on gear, so my modest system seems like a bargain...

I too have to sneak around my wife to bring new things in. It's not that I'm trying to lie as much as I am trying avoide the endless hours of explanation and trying to justify to a non-music lover why I need those $1000 interconnects. The original post strikes a chord with me and I find it amusing!!

The flip side of the coin is, I'll NEVER understand why my wife spends more than $12 for a hair cut or needs more than two pair of shoes.

Don't ask don't tell. And BECAUSE of that policy, we have a good marriage. Not despite it as earlier posters suggest might be the case.
Question...Does anyone think the "sneek" purchases and post-purchase discoveries by wives has anything to do with why there are far more men in the hobby than women?

Don't forget now! You'll get tired of sleeping on the sofa really quick. :)
My partners hobby costs' more than mine. Her Saddle alone was more than my entire system! if we then add the cost of the blessed thing, a 'Swedish Warmblood' whatever that means?, other than a serious outlay, (parent was a reserve for the American Dressage Team, apparently), then the Swedish side of the family, a family tree dating back to 1300's. Then there is the monthly boarding, vet bills, farrier bills, and now he has his own dentist! whatever next! A personal groomer? yeah he's got one of them also ME!!! No wonder my system is suffering!! lol.