Has anyone answered the real question?

First, I want to say that the white-outfitted guys are at my front door. Second, these people(Ori, or Oritek Audio, Alex, of APL Hi-Fi, and Nuforce-I also have to mention Signal Cable and Mapleshade.) have led me to this situation. Does anybody have a strategy against what plays through your head, when you are away from your system? Believe it or not, this is what has preoccupied me for awhile. Does anyone, anywhere relate to this? If so, can you give me some kind of strategy here?
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yes Mak, that's exactly what can happen to me, especially when falling asleep, or during REM sleep. I hear/make music, which is vaguely related to stuff I must have heard, yet it is also uniquely different. The problem is, that when I wake up the music is usually gone, and I can't really recall it to any precision. . . This lack of recall is very annoying and frustrating!

During the day I may have melody fragments in my head repeating and repeating. . . but they are always bits of stuff written by someone else. Sometimes I know exactly what they are, other times I can't associate the music with a title. Back in April I took a one week trip to Brazil for work, and for the whole week I had this piece stuck in my mind. . . I was sure it was a fugue by Bach, but I could not remember where I heard it, if my life depended on it. When I came back to Austin I actually forgot how it sounded completely. . . which really bugged me to no end. Just recently I discovered it is the Prelude to the 5th English Suite by old J. S. Bach. It was actually your very musings about music in your head that prompted me last week to finally rip the track from my CD and use it as the Windows Start WAV file. Now I hear the 1st 10 seconds of this great piece every morning at 6:45 when I start my machine in the office. Thank you mak!
Those of us with young children may find ourselves tapping our fingers to a PBS show's tune and feel quite inempty if that is what has slipped in. But it's just life.
Get to that saturation or concentration level again, and write over it.
Right now it's Cocteau Twins in my head. Like what is she saying? Is it a know language?
Electro-shock works well. And, in hard cases, the pre-frontal procedure will definitely get rid of the music in your head.
Whart, are you sure music doesn't play through your head? What makes you run back to your system to listen to a certain song? I'm kidding, but really I'm not. Also, Guidocorona, I believe you might really be a composer of music. I just wish I could have original music coming from my mind. I think that you should really look at this. At least ask others if that's true for them. I'm being serious here.