Two systems in the same room


Could somebody share with me his experiences with setting two systems in the same dedicated room, one across another. I'm having a thought about setting a system more oriented on rock, and one more oriented for vocals, soul and jazz, but am not certain would the two systems interfere. I have noticed that most people avoid it but the reasons are unclear to me, pardon my ignorance. Thank you very much in advance.
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Thanks everybody. I currently have an old setup of Krell 400xi integrated SS amp and Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors that don't do it really well for rock. I was thinking of going in to purchase of some stronger speakers and some tube gear (since I never had any, I would like to try) and my budget is around 10000$, and then try to mesh the Cremonas to tubes and Krell to the new speakers. I would by it second hand, since that way I think I can get more for the money. What do you think.
If you're happy with the presentation on jazz with the components you have, I might suggest that you move to a higher end integrated, or a tube preamp/SS (or hybrid) amp, & a pair of speakers that will do rock well: Von Schweikert, Tyler, Silverline, Reimer, etc. If you sold your current amp & speakers, and applied them to your budget, I think you will get more for your money. I don't want to talk you out of two systems, but if you are happy with the Krell on jazz music, a really good tube pre/SS amp set up will cover the full range.

Just my two cents...
Boa2 thanks, I will probably do as you suggested but now I have to check up on dealers in my area.
i have 2 sets of speakers side by side ( Merlins EXL-4 & Merlin VSM m) on one system for the past couple of months, so far no problem. two different sounds on one system.