What current China import sounds like a CJ??

Does anyone have any experience with the inexpensive China imports, integrated or stereo amps that have a CJ type sound. Looking to put together a second system and liked the old CJ11A and CJ14 combo but even at used prices you can buy the Chinese stuff for less money. Any ideas??
The imports that I am familiar with (Consonance, Cayin) are in another universe compared to the CJ you mentioned. The CJ is thick, veiled, muffled, 2 dimensional, unresolving, etc..... compared to the better Chinese stuff. If you like that CJ sound, then stick with CJ.
Chinese stuff is cheap because there is no R&D. They simply steal designs from companies who spend thousands or millions of dollars to come up with real designs. If you don't mind funding thieves, then by all means buy the chinese garbage... and yes I've heard it lots of times!
I disagree, and haven't heard the Consanance stuff but the Cayin with China toobs sound hard shrill and bright, so if that's the opposite of CJ sound then so be it, but call it like it is, it ain't all that refined.

I find good SS stuff to sound better, I did have a hand made pre-amp unit from HK through, a BEZ Q3B unit that had a crude scale for volume (big jumps) it was a hand wired resistor ladder that was only 3 inputs and stunning, simple and super low cost, to get that sound in CJ would set you back about 5K used, You can find them on e-bay for about 300, no remote, 3 inputs and very limited gain but depth, clarity, and smoothness are something to behold. It just killed the BAT in my system, but alas, I have a need for REMOTE, (couch potato).

The BEZ required care and feeding when it came to the toobs and the same may be true for the Cryin and Circumstance, (sorry couldn't resist), (if you don't own them you can't toob roll them) but for the money. I think it's pretty clear that the Chino infulence is coming, just be certain that when you purchase from China you too are willing to work for 50 cents an hour!!!! They are.

Less see at 50 cents an hour in 600 hours or one quarter year, if I save it all and assumed no taxes I could just afford a BEZ in 3 months.

das loon
Check out the Primaluna gear imported by Upscale Audio. It's very nice stuff. IMHO, it's a bit more dynamic and resolving than CJ stuff, but I haven't heard the newest CJ products.
China is an emerging economic power that still doesn't have its act together! Where will these companies be next year [warranty & repair issues]? Who is overseeing Q.C.? As Nrcy said, there is also rampant theft of intellectual property, as well as "bootlegging" of recorded media, and trademarked products...to which the Chinese Government turns a blind eye.

Until the Chinese come up to Q.C. standards of the rest of the industrialized world, and clean up their piracy issues, you, the buyer, "takes your chances"..caveat emptor!