As this has turned, more or less, into a Karan love fest....
I recently put a KA i-180 (recent model, 18-months old) into my system. All I can say is "wow!". Easily beat, 2 different sets of well-regarded $11,000 separates in my system (Herron M1/1a-166, and ARC LS26/SD135) that I have been auditioning. At the Mac dealer, I also heard the Karan and McIntosh MA2275, and the Karan had all the musicality of tubes, but a much more dynamic presentation, much more extended, and real. The step up from the DNA-125/Ultraverve to both separates was noticeable, but not huge, yet the Karan exceeded the performance of the separates by a wide margin. Not just a "hey, that sounds a little nicer" but a "wow, I hadn't heard that instrument before, who washed the windows?" sound. Many have said the Karan stuff is comparable with amps 2x the price, but in this case, it is 100% true, not just typical review hyperbole. Unfortunately, anyone who doesn't read Hi-Fi+ or has a friend with one probably hasn't heard of them. Unfortunately, financial pressures will likely force me to sell the KA i-180, but I am hooked, and will be back!