Big Karan amps

Anyone with experience of the bigger Karan amps.
I am interested in the new 650 Monoblocks.
How does Karan amps sound compared to for example BAT VK-600, Theta Citadels, Ayre MX-R, Burmester, MBL and others?
I have Aerial 20T's.
i am currently using the Karan 650 mono block with my rockport mira grand II.. it does not sound like tube but the smoothness of the amp is like moving from cd to LP gear.. i replace my levinson 33H with these amp with the recommendation from my dealer and friends. i now feel no desire to change the amp anymore. it just sit and dissapear in my system, now i just look for other tweak here and there to make my system sound right

hope this help
As this has turned, more or less, into a Karan love fest....

I recently put a KA i-180 (recent model, 18-months old) into my system. All I can say is "wow!". Easily beat, 2 different sets of well-regarded $11,000 separates in my system (Herron M1/1a-166, and ARC LS26/SD135) that I have been auditioning. At the Mac dealer, I also heard the Karan and McIntosh MA2275, and the Karan had all the musicality of tubes, but a much more dynamic presentation, much more extended, and real. The step up from the DNA-125/Ultraverve to both separates was noticeable, but not huge, yet the Karan exceeded the performance of the separates by a wide margin. Not just a "hey, that sounds a little nicer" but a "wow, I hadn't heard that instrument before, who washed the windows?" sound. Many have said the Karan stuff is comparable with amps 2x the price, but in this case, it is 100% true, not just typical review hyperbole. Unfortunately, anyone who doesn't read Hi-Fi+ or has a friend with one probably hasn't heard of them. Unfortunately, financial pressures will likely force me to sell the KA i-180, but I am hooked, and will be back!

Do youb have 20T V1 or V2?

Do you use 1 pair of 301's or two?

I have V1 and am using a Rowland 304.
I have 20T v1 and one pair of 301s. The 301s have double binding posts and I use two sets of speaker cables.

I thought you had Ayre MXR amps. Have you replaced them with the Rowland 304?
Cappuccino, did you ever get to hear the Karan product and if so what was your take.

At one point I read that you were going to or actually had a pair of Burmester 911 MK3 amps to compare, did this happen and if so what was the results.