If you had to pay full retail, would you...???

I recently got the Music Direct catalog in the mail. Lots of cool gear, interesting tweaks, awesome LPs. Looking over the catalog several times, I said to myself, "man, there are a lot of expensive tweaks which the un-initiated must think is simply crazy". What also struck me is that all the stuff I want, is ultra expensive and the stuff at "real-world prices" are nothing really spectacular. Even at the low end side of "high-end" gear, I would be laying out considerably more than if I went to Best Buy and bought an All in one system.

So, here is where I am headed. I have put together a pretty nice system, almost entirely found here on Audiogon, over back in the day at Audiomart. I scored my amps which retail for $13,000 for $4000. My speakers retailed for $7500 and I got em for $1500. My turntable was $500, which retail was $2500. If, I bought a new $500 turntable, I would get like a Music Fidelity MF, entry level one.

if you bought most of your system used, if you had to start from square one and had to buy Full retail, would you still be into this hobby?

Entry level high end gear really does not interest me. it lacks pizzaz, like the Avid Reference has. For what I paid for my AudioLogic tube DAC, I could only afford a Mid-level Marantz. I beleive I would still be a Music lover, but if forced to spend Full retail for high end gear, I think I would opt for mass market mid-fi, or simply do a laptop based digital system through a mass market company.
I was introduced to Agon by a friend who stated succinctly the ecology/psychology of the hifi hobbyists.

You get in at an affordable budget (that ends up being streched) and enjoy the music. If your piggy bank grows and the improved system brings more listening pleasure, go and trade up. All things considered, you don't lose much on the trade. Since we swim in different money depth, we all have a chance to be where we ultimately want to be -- so help us god with the greed and vanity.
There is a saying..."To travel hopefully is better than to arrive". That probably applies to the audiophile's quest.
Or another way to say it:
The Journey is better than the Destination.

It all boils down to competition and the free market system.
That looks good on paper. When you find the audiophile who has left his system unchanged after 10 years, will you ask him to chime in? :)

Tvad (Threads | Answers)

They are out there, I know some, but the reason they do not change their system is because they find out how little of the money they spent is recoverable, so they stick with what they have. For instance, I know a guy who paid $3200 for a preamp that listed for $3500. He has talked for years about selling it and getting another one. Everytime he finds out that all he'll get for his 6 year old preamp is around $1600-$1800, he changes his mind. He thinks he can get $2700 for his preamp, when he finds out he zero chance of this it depresses him. Then he just sticks with what he has. That's why he still has 12 year old CAL digital seperates. Not that there is anything wrong with this behavior, but you won't find these types perusing the threads on AudiogoN.

12-28-06: Justlisten
I guess my Original Post wasn't clear as it appears only a few understood the intent of my original question, ..JMCGROGAN2, his answer was what I was looking for.

Sweet!!! What did I win???

FWIW, unfortunately I've never met a dealer that I really trust. I've never heard one be honest enough to say what the other guy is selling is better than his offerings. I've heard many rave about a product, only to then trash it when they drop the line. I can't read through the BS. I can't tell if the guy is trying to help me out or just sell something.
At Apple, they used to say, the journey is the reward. That's how I see this hobby.

D_Edwards, if you had told the customer that you can't give him 20% because of such and such, but you will give him 10% or 5%, you might have had the sale. Some people--many people, though I'm not one of them--can't be happy unless they feel they are getting an "edge" somehow.