12-28-06: D_edwards
Let me explain something most audiophiles really have trouble with;
I'm sure your customers enjoy paying more money for the condescending tone. I enjoy being talked down to, it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.(Note: Sarcasm Alert)
Well now audiophiles are down too public forums and "public" trade shows to spend thousands of dollars most of you have to talk to a deadbeat 50 year old types or some kid because stores cannot hire real professionals and you spend thousands and thousands of dollars on advice from people who simply do not have the expertise to give it.
Now even a simpleton like myself can understand, so only knowledgeable folks in their 30's really know audio.....ahhhhh the picture is becoming clearer. Now I know to check the salesman's driver's license to make sure he's in his 30's. Thanks Audio Super Salesman!! Great Tip!!!
Most people in my age (30 something) who are smart and creative have left the industry altogether or have moved up into the rep levels where they do not help the end user anymore.
So what does this say about you Audio Super Salesman??? Are you not smart and creative???
By the way 15 years in the business, and I don't know one guy in the world who is that retail level who'd i trust to build a system for me.
D_edwards (System | Answers)
Well shoot Audio Super Salesman, if you can't trust anyone in the retail level, how does a simple, naive, audiophile like me stand a chance???
I'll sleep better tonight knowing that you are here to protect us Audio Super Salesman!!