Wife/girlfriend or audio: if you had to chose?

Say your wife or girlfriend (no kid involved) asked you to drop your passion for audio, sell your system and settle for a Bose Wave box - because she thinks that your hobby is a barely grown-up kid toy story that needs to stop (either invasive or expensive or just ridiculous to her friends and family).
What do you do? keep wife/girlfriend or your gear?
Just respond: Audio or Wife and in brackets years of relationship...

Audio (21)!
Stereo is predicated on illusion. Some of us seem to be moving over to delusion. I've been with the same woman for 17 years and can't imagine a desire to upgrade. I've been through more than a hundred audio components in that same time. You can't possibly think that a human being is of less value than an amp even if it does have voluptuous tubes and it's self-biasing.
Before you get down on Joeylawn, maybe theres things going on in his life we don't know or understand??? I'm not saying I'm just saying.

Beheme, I had to laugh about your audio mags in the bathroom. I guess when audio becomes more passionate then our sex drives then we know that we arrived. At least arrived to be audio geeks!

You know your an audiophile........
when you spend more time on audio forums then at your job!

Happy listening
Really, all joking aside, I'd like to apologize for my wanna-be sense of hunour. There would be plently of female audiophiles who would be offended by my remarks. So here is my deep and sincere apology to all audiophiles : male, female, heretosexual and bi-sexual alike. My new year resolutions are quiting Dunhill, Cognac and the " blue pills" and respect the opposite gender more. However, I decided to continue checking out the behinds of these black or silver boxes whichever the case may be. I guess one of the man's survival instinc is to check-out these nice behinds from the objects we contemplate.
01-10-07: Joeylawn36111
But the main reason I am single is I refuse to play the social game. I stay home and play music and use the computer every night. I have no interest whatsoever in 'going out'. I don't care anymore.

Well that explains a lot. You won't catch any fish if you don't go fishing. Just don't complain that you wish you had fish.

You've been married before, so you know that marriage isn't always pleasant. Half of my family (8 siblings) are divorced, and the other half wish they could afford it. :)

Obviously I joke, but there is some truth in my jokes. While I am still married after 23 years, there was a long time, maybe 15 years, where I was only married due to the 'cheaper to keep 'er' mentality. Of course I wanted to live with my children too, so I bit the bullet. Now, 3 years since she had her hysterectomy, she is a normal human being again. Marriage isn't so tough now. If I knew the results would be, I'd have made her have the operation years sooner.

I do realize that 'happily married' is just another oxymoron, like 'army intelligence' and 'jumbo shrimp'. :)

Seriously, I do have three sons, and I do worry that they are getting too serious to young. I do tell them to 'play the field' and 'have some fun'. Don't get too serious too young, that's where most of the mistakes get made. They don't listen though, oh well, at least some day I can tell them 'I told you so'.

I just have to ask, if a woman truely interest you, have you tried the internet sites for women instead of audio equipment?

FWIW, sadly now I have Stereophile replacing Playboys in the bathroom as well. That just means I'm old, like my kids keep telling me. :(