Aside form the Human voice...

what is the most expressive instrument? I say it's the Electric guitar(natrual and artificial harmonics etc) followed by the Pedal Steel.
"01-19-07: Tabl10s
The guitar can do everything the piano can...and more.
Tabl10s (System | Threads | Answers)"

Not really, the freq range that a piano can cover is much wider than guitar.

If only the piano had a wind controller on it ... In lieu of that I would say the voice, then most wind instruments like sax and oboe and such, then a tie between piano and other stringed instruments.

It still takes a human touch to make real music (thank God).

Guitar can't play 10 notes at once, can't....on and on...doesn't mean it's not more expressive, but it is more limited. I vote Piano.