Excellent review of CAPACITORS Must read

This is just a great review of various caps out there. I was so happy someone showed me this link I wanted to share it here:


The author mentions he got scooped by Arthur Salvatore regarding V-caps. Salvatore's is another great site you should check out. http://www.high-endaudio.com
Well put, Joe.

I've been reading those reviews several times over recently, driving myself crazy. I've talked to some very smart people and all agree swapping out caps is far, far more system dependent than switching interconnects or even tube rolling.

My preamp uses the Mundorf Supreme Caps -- and a very large size, well above the max for the V-Cap. So does simply jumping up to the Mundorf Supreme Gold mean an improvement? Possibly.
John, I encourage you to talk to Jeff at Sonic Craft. He's a wealth of knowledge when it comes to capacitors and circuit design. You won't be disappointed.

I got some Mundorf silver/oil caps for my integrated amp and I just ordered some V-caps. I'm very anxious to hear the differences.
I received a favorable review of Mundorf Silver/Gold who compared them to V-Caps and preferred the Mundorfs as couplers. After chatting with Mundorf about the differences between Silver/Oil and Silver/Gold, I installed the Silver/Gold in the phono stage of my Atma-Sphere MP-1. These are fine coupling caps-- detailed, neutral, and extended, to my ears exhibiting no shortage of bass or dynamics as remarked upon in the 21 Cap review. Also the Silver/Gold may be preferred over the Silver/Oil in the hot climate of some tube amps (the Silver/Gold is rated to 85 degrees C as compared to 50 degrees C for the Silver/Oil.) In any case, there are lots of fine caps in this review, and while I'm as lunatic as the next 'goner I just couldn't justify the price of V-Caps.
Does anyone have experience with a V-cap OIMP( oil impregnated) as a preamp output cap and have you also tried bypassing that cap with a smaller V-cap teflon cap?