I received a favorable review of Mundorf Silver/Gold who compared them to V-Caps and preferred the Mundorfs as couplers. After chatting with Mundorf about the differences between Silver/Oil and Silver/Gold, I installed the Silver/Gold in the phono stage of my Atma-Sphere MP-1. These are fine coupling caps-- detailed, neutral, and extended, to my ears exhibiting no shortage of bass or dynamics as remarked upon in the 21 Cap review. Also the Silver/Gold may be preferred over the Silver/Oil in the hot climate of some tube amps (the Silver/Gold is rated to 85 degrees C as compared to 50 degrees C for the Silver/Oil.) In any case, there are lots of fine caps in this review, and while I'm as lunatic as the next 'goner I just couldn't justify the price of V-Caps.