Buying HiFi at credit, anyone?

Has any of you ever bought a piece of Hifi with money you knew you did not have? Not talking about a 4-payment free interest deal when you have the cash anyway, I am talking putting the purchase on a line of credit or worse credit card and repaying it over many many months with interests to pay?

If so, no need to give a $ figure but how many months of net income did this represent and how long did it take to pay back? any regret? do you think it is a sign of ultime hifi sickness or true passion (not mutually exclusive!).
Everyone is different with a different set of opinions/values. I've bought audio on 12 month interest free. I didn't have 3500 bucks at one time. But, I had the monthly payments no problem. It was paid off, I was happy, no big deal.

I use credit cards, but I also pay off the balance each month. Absolutely nothing wrong with credit, if you know how to use it and not abuse it. (FWIW I am NOT in debt up to my eyeballs)

IMO, "cash" deals are getting harder and harder to get discounts with. They make much more money throwing a credit card at you. In hopes that you screw up and have to pay fees.
Never. Audio Equipment is cash on hand only. I will use a credit card to pay but the bill is paid in full when due. My Son starts College in the Fall. My life is about to change BIG TIME!
Come on, am I the only guy who's bought something on credit or the equity line knowing it would take a while to pay off but I wanted it?? Granted, MOST of my audio purchases have been with free cash, but not all and I don't feel bad for it. It's not like my family didn't have a place to stay or food on the table to doit.
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I would tend to agree with you, hard to believe than in Creditland where consumption is King, no-one buys Hifi gear at credit when 90% of car owners do it for their cars, either leasing or financing.....Apart from Musical Fidelity, there are no Hifi gear that depreciate as much as a good ol' Detroit car!!! Time to tell the truth guys.....