Buying HiFi at credit, anyone?

Has any of you ever bought a piece of Hifi with money you knew you did not have? Not talking about a 4-payment free interest deal when you have the cash anyway, I am talking putting the purchase on a line of credit or worse credit card and repaying it over many many months with interests to pay?

If so, no need to give a $ figure but how many months of net income did this represent and how long did it take to pay back? any regret? do you think it is a sign of ultime hifi sickness or true passion (not mutually exclusive!).
I have worked in the health care field for over 30 years.
I have talked with ,too many to count,hard working people that did nothing but saved their money extravagant buying.Always had to save save save and NEVER borrow.Many had their life shortened by a life ending disease.
Trouble with that ....they never got to enjoy their hard work and respectable bank account.
I talked with many and if they had a chance to do "it all over again" they would enjoy life to the fullest...spend on themselves and NEVER DO WITHOUT ..enjoy life today and pay for it tomorrow even if they had to borrow.Everything in reason of course.

Now I buy for today and yes I buy audio equipment on CREDIT all the time.
Why not can be too short.....
Instead of "doing without" for months ,enjoy it today.

For what it is worth...
Oh...this is what you meant by "paying cash"...I am sure that everybody else had decoded what you REALLY meant!!!!!!!! tks for the entertainment.
Thefalls1117, you hit the nail on the head. My wife is a Internal Medicine MD. She's always telling me stories just like the one you told. No one on their death bed wants more money! I'm not in debt but,I have been and it was a very stressfull time in my life. Now I live way below my means and don't try to impress anybody with what I own or have achieved. The secret to happy living is having your backyard clean because we are not guaranteed our next breath.
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Awesome post, I could not agree with you more. One of my former partners (we lost our hospital contract for services) used to rave of the most influential book he ever read about the ideal time of dying being when you absolutely ran out of all funds/credit/assets.... While I think none of use could do this, as time of death is so difficult to assess, but it always comes to my mind when patients are told their disease is terminal, and they have (enter lame guess here) time to live.

I think once I got over the shock and new found drug abuse, I would be rather liberated and it would be perhaps a better way to end my life than some surprise MVA or such that took you out with no forewarning.

BTW How do you like the Canton CD 300's?? I was supposed to get them, then some things changed, I use their Vento's for my main rig and LOVE them, I think you would be hard pressed to find better for less than twice the price.