SRA VR vs. Ohio

I'm on the verge of investing in some vibration isolation platforms for my system. I use one digital box, a two chasis tube pre, mono SS amps, and speakers that have an outboard bass control so I would need 6 pieces in total. That would be some serious $$ if I went with all Ohio Base plus. I'm sure there are plenty out there who own the VR series and the Ohio Plus, so my question is, what differences do you notice between the two, and what components do you use with which?

I'm thinking about starting with all 6 VRs initially then trade up to a Ohios one at a time, starting with the mono amps, in a year or two but welcome any comments or suggestions.

I have the VR 3 series under my preamp and it's power supply. It is also under my amp. These iso bases have completely transformed my system. Kevin at SRA is great to deal with. I have not heard the Ohio class bases, but they are beautiful. I hope to put a base under my turntable and cd player.
It would seem reasonable to expect that the more one isolates components from vibration, the better. However, that is not always the case. To some extent, it is a matter of tuning the system to one's taste. I generally find that vibration control under amps and preamp/linestage to have a positive effect, though sometimes subtle. One tends to get a much more dramatic effect under a CD player. By the same token, it is even more likely that too much vibration control under a CD player will dry the sound out too much and make the system sound analytical and cold.

I would suggest getting only a few platforms at first and then experimenting to see where they will help the sound and where the effect is not salutary.